Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Country Perplexed with Itself

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

"The Vice President said that he was honored and enthusiastic to act as Chairman of the National Space Council. He stated that the Administration’s commitment to space exploration will “strengthen the American spirit” and inspire the American people to “blaze new trails into the unknown”."

From a disturbing analysis where Republicans are thinking outside our Planet Earth and forgetting the USA great domestic social and moral problems, which will surely provoke a great implosion, engulfing us all to an immeasurable economic and financial disaster.

The American patriotic spirit will not be strengthened by this action. Unemployed people without health insurance and employees earning $ 7 per hour will cause a major upsurge in American society, destroying their patriotic sentiments, even with the great interplanetary adventures suggested by the National Space Council. http://taskandpurpose.com/americans-less-patriotic-today-911-theres-good-reason/

The solution is not in this action: Look!

The main problem is to keep Capitalism in a Policed fashion, and especially to create a Feelings Education - subordinating selfishness under Human Altruism and value the Right Laws under the DUTIES Laws.

For better understanding follows an article - A Country Perplexed with Itself.

Sincerely, I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity

Paulo Augusto Lacaz

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