Saturday, March 9, 2019

I am writing to ask if you could make a $3 donation to our campaign. - 09/03/2019

   We have an important FEC reporting deadline coming up and our job is to generate as many individual donations between now and the time it comes to a close.

Friends and Colleagues,
In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a donation to our campaign. Please give me a moment to explain why this ask is so important.
Here is the truth: we have gotten off to a better start than most in the corporate media and political establishment thought possible, but we have an enormous amount of work in front of us and the path forward will not be easy.
The wealthy and the powerful will do everything they can to defend their financial interests, and they have an unlimited amount of money at their disposal.
But what we did on our last campaign, and what we’ll have to do again, is raise what we need to win from a lot of people giving small donations. Because I am not going to be traveling the country begging millionaires and billionaires for donations.
That means from time to time we have to ask you to help. And today is one of those days:
When this FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close, we’re going to report not just how much money we’ve raised, but how many donations are powering that number. And in my view, it is important that we show as many individual donations as we possibly can. That is the number that matters most to me.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

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