Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Let us value the Productive Work of the American People.

de:Celeste Drake, AFL-CIO peoplepower@aflcio.org
responder a:peoplepower@aflcio.org
data:10 de set de 2018 17:28
assunto:Add your name to keep working people at the center of NAFTA negotiations
enviado por:actionnetworkmail.aflcio.org


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The full petition text is: 

Elected officials should be committed to a trade deal that prioritizes all working people, instead of giving a pass to corporations to outsource jobs and lower wages. Congress must ensure the new NAFTA eliminates special privileges for Wall Street, Big Pharma, and foreign investor, and contains strong labor standards and rules that promote good U.S. manufacturing jobs; discourage outsourcing; and contain provisions that guarantee swift and certain enforcement of those rules.

Paulo Augusto,
The Trump administration recently announced a trade deal with Mexico and plans to add Canada to that deal. While some gains have been made, there is still much work to be done before we have a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that works for working people.
Working families in all three North American countries—the United States, Mexico and Canada—have borne the brunt of the awful NAFTA deal struck more than 25 years ago. Now it’s up to working people to be our own advocates.
We want a trade deal that prioritizes all working people, not just corporations and the superrich. That means instead of giving a pass to corporations to outsource jobs and lower wages, the new NAFTA must contain rules that promote good U.S. manufacturing jobs, discourage outsourcing and eliminate special privileges for Wall Street, Big Pharma, and foreign investors.
A NAFTA that prioritizes working people also must have strong labor rules that ensure the freedom to organize for all three countries. There must be provisions that guarantee swift and certain enforcement of these rules to safeguard U.S. workers from outsourcing while protecting foreign workers from wage depression and other labor abuses.
Working people across the country have been speaking up to make sure Congress knows what working people expect out of any trade deal our lawmakers establish. Signing the petition now is a great way to remind them that working families will hold them accountable.
In Solidarity,
Celeste Drake
Trade Policy Specialist, AFL-CIO

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