Monday, November 15, 2021

26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 26) - English


It is here, first of all, to remember, that  the Human Being, a living being; an organism, thereby formed in a way; and, on the other hand, not being able to survive, except in a certain environment; and it will only remain in this environment, by virtue of certain relationships between the organism and the environment.

When enumerating such relationships, the different functions of animals appear; so that each function, that is, each convergent act of living nature, corresponds to the existence of each of these relations, which are carried out through a certain part of the animal; these parts, which are called organs. Thus, animals are considered a set of organs; that's where the word organism comes from.

 The environment is modified by the life of the organism; and the organism is modified by the environment in which it lives.

These modifications have a limit, it will depend on the organism's capacity; he adapts to variations in the environment; but if these variations are too great and too sudden, the organism is destroyed, annihilated, instead of transforming. For this reason, it is not possible to admit that indefinite changes may occur in the same organism.

Due to the reaction of the organism on the environment, and of the environment on the organism, a double animal aptitude appears:

1. on the one hand, it is necessary for the organism to modify the environment, adapting it more and more to the conditions of animal existence.

2. on the other hand, the organism must mold itself, that is, adjust to the environment, when it cannot modify it.

Therefore, nothing that we are proposing in this Work, even though it works, in terms of its Objectives, will not be maintained if we do not urgently adopt the Defense of BIOCRACY, here on Mother Earth. (Bio = Life; Cracia = Government) The effort made by the UN for RIO+20 was valid, but we have not really yet implemented and practiced any plan with plausible solutions, but the increase in the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the associated climate warming continues despite these so-called Meetings, even when, so often, scientists, activists, artists, media, politicians, businessmen and unions, who gathered in Glasgow for COP26, played a crucial role in a process that is historic and vital, in removing the fundamental limit to human flourishing, imposed by dependence on fossil fuels, mainly of Coal, which are touted as the last chance for us to live on Planet Mother Earth.

Thus, the delegates of the 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) approved this Saturday, 11/13, an agreement considered essential to keep active the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees by 2100, in comparison with levels pre-industrial. For the first time, the document foresees the gradual reduction of subsidies to fossil fuels and the use of coal. Even after the event closes, the content is far from being unanimous. COP26 OUTCOMES - 

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